WOW, you are sooooooo much smarter than ALL those agencies who use the MMPI, you should start a business screening applicants. Many police departments use the MMPI for entry level people, but in California they do not for the reasons cited above. I can pretty much guarantee that if you take the MMPI-2 you will come up with at least 4 Axis I disorders and maybe 3 or 4 Personality Disorders.

Funny thing was that at the time she was a sgt in the Army. You dont give an Anxiety test for Depression you give an Anxiety test. She failed the MMPI and the shrink took about thirty seconds to look at the results to rule that she was totally unsuited for a para military career like law enforcement. You can expect to answer questions related to social introversion, depression, and paranoia. It is defined as a psychological test that can assess personality traits and is commonly used to screen people who may have mental health issues. My ex wife once tried to get hired by a sherriffs department. MMPI is short for Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Its a stupid weed out test that has little to no meaning in real world sense. Anyone who takes five minutes researching the test can figure out which questions are the "rigged" questions and can thus fool the test. The braniacs who made the test figure someone trying to fool the test will say no because everyone has bad thoughts now and then.

For example "Some times I have bad thoughts" - yes or no. Your first response might be to panic at the thought of sitting a test, envisioning hours of revision and preparation, but the MMPI is far from an academic exam or standard personality test. There are booklets available, but you can also take the test online, either by yourself or in a group. However, the letter also states that you will be expected to take a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test as part of the screening process. If you’re taking the MMPI2-RF, you should expect to spend between 35 and 50 minutes answering 338 questions. Well all it takes is a little common sense to figure out how. Can you take the MMPI online The MMPI-2 has a total of 567 test items, and it will take you between 60 and 90 minutes to finish. Practice the MMPI 2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) for just 3.99 you can take the MMPI Online (Test & Results only, no analysis or interpretation provided. The test is supposedly "rigged" to detect people who are trying to fool it. The first time I took it I literally started laughing at how assanine it seemed and now I just detest it. Another version of the test, the MMPI-A, was developed to. Between college, testing for various agencies, and my shooting I've taken this test at least seven times now. The MMPI-2 is intended to be administered and interpreted by a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist on patients over the age of eighteen. I think this test is the biggest joke of anything that happens in hiring.